A fond, good-humoured doco about Mills & Boon romance novels and how they bear on the love lives of a handful of writers and readers. “A movie about fantasy: creating it, living in it, and learning its limitations.” — SlantMagazine.com
Films — by Language
- Afrikaans
- Albanian
- Alyawarr
- Arabic
- Basque
- Czech
- Danish
- Dogri
- Dutch
- English
- Farsi
- French
- German
- Greek
- Hebrew
- Hindi
- Hungarian
- Indonesian
- Italian
- Japanese
- Kangri
- Khmer
- Kikuyu
- Korean
- Lingala
- Mandarin
- Ngen'giwumirri
- Norwegian
- Portuguese
- Romanian
- Russian
- Siar
- Spanish
- Swedish
- Te reo Māori
- Tibetan
- Tok Pisin
- Turkish

Pink Saris
Kim Longinotto follows fiery activist Sampat Pal Devi as she crusades against child marriages, dowry deaths and the abuse of women in northern India. “A multilayered, psychologically complex portrait of both a woman and a moment.” — Variety