Festival Programme

Films by Genre


Animation for Kids 4+

We’ve searched near and far, and high and low to collect this latest selection of short film delights, selected especially to charm and captivate our littlest film fans.

Recommended for ages 4+

Animation for Kids 8+

Get ready for your annual wintery fix of animated inventiveness from all corners of our big wide world.

Dounia & The Princess of Aleppo

Dounia et la princesse d'Alep

Marya Zarif, André Kadi

A young girl’s brave journey to find the new home which—she is sure—is waiting for her somewhere, provides the road map for this enchanting philosophical story, brimming with music, magic and myth.

Mars Express

Jérémie Périn

A private detective and her android partner track down a notorious hacker in the dark underbelly of a Martian metropolis in this superb cyber-punk-noir animated feature, packed with humour and action.

Robot Dreams

Pablo Berger

A beautifully ambiguous story of friendship, love and loss. At times heart-warming, at others heart-wrenching, this wordless fable explores what happens when the closest of bonds are weathered away by time and circumstance.