Films by Collection

Staff Picks: Abby Cattermole

I knew that applying for a role at NZIFF would be the perfect excuse to move back to Wellington, the city that taught me to live from a drip feed of art, music, and film. And I was right to return from Melbourne. We are all being spoilt by this year's incredibly diverse, fresh and challenging (in the best way) programme. I have managed to whittle my list of 50 (yes, 50!) films I've seen and loved, and the titles that make my heart pound, down to 12. This was hard guys. Enjoy.

The Killing of a Sacred Deer

Yorgos Lanthimos

Reuniting with his Lobster director, Colin Farrell plays a surgeon, husband and father of two whose placid domestic life is slowly, insidiously disrupted by the persistent demands of a teenage stalker.