Jim Carrey as flamboyant real-life con artist Steven Russell and Ewan McGregor as his quiet, camp boyfriend! “One of the sharpest, blackest and funniest comedies of the year.” — Empire

This is not an asinine Oscar grab, but one of the sharpest, blackest and funniest comedies of the year.
Screened as part of NZIFF 2010
I Love You Phillip Morris 2009
It may sound like stunt casting, but Jim Carrey as flamboyant real-life con artist Steven Russell and Ewan McGregor as the quiet, camp boyfriend for whom he’d say or do pretty much anything are one of the last year’s funniest, most strangely romantic couples. I Love You, Phillip Morris, written and directed by the pair who wrote Bad Santa, is a bold, hilarious, truly anarchic joyride. — BG
“Fans of the wacky family-friendly Jim Carrey persona will be duly discomfited by his turn as a gay conman in this sexually uncompromising but blackly funny comedy. The actor, however, has never been better, more beguiling or more expertly deployed than he is here, playing the real-life Steven Russell… Best of all, throughout this madcap yarn, Carrey’s Russell is a fittingly unreliable narrator and thus pings the movie randomly through time in occasionally bewildering and ultimately exhilarating fashion.” — Damon Wise, The Times