“Film festivals and cinema workshops come across as hotbeds of drunken brawls, fulsome schmoozing and adulterous sex in Korean auteur Hong Sang-soo’s pertly observant and endearingly droll send-up.” — Hollywood Reporter

Wryly perceptive in its deconstruction of artistic egos, sending up pretensions. Hong's funniest film in years.
Screened as part of NZIFF 2010
Like You Know It All 2009
Jal aljido motamyunseo
Hong Sang-soo, perennially sly satirist of the bohemian male, is surely taking potshots at himself (amongst others) in this loose and funny portrait of an arthouse filmmaker, bored, boozed and dangerous between gigs. Director Ku accepts an invitation to serve as a juror at a small film festival, partying all night like an industry pro and sleeping through movies all day. He next takes up a guest lectureship and causes mayhem when invited back home by a former colleague. Hong has never seemed more relaxed than with this picture of bad behaviour in a world he clearly knows backwards. But you don’t have to run a film festival or film studies department to take bittersweet pleasure in seeing this guy skewered. – BG.
“Film festivals and cinema workshops come across as hotbeds of drunken brawls, fulsome schmoozing and adulterous sex in… Hong Sang-soo’s pertly observant and endearingly droll send-up.” — Maggie Lee, Hollywood Reporter