Films by Collection

Patricia Watson

Ever since the mid-80’s when I joined the Sydney Film Festival staff and then board, the advent of winter brings the anticipation of the film festival! For many years I saw every film – you could only buy a subscription to the entire season in Sydney then, no individual ticket sales, and the highlights were often complete surprises. One of the joys of long-time festival going is to experience a body of work from the masters so I can’t miss a new film from Zhang Yimou with the wonderful Gong Li, but now as the National Manager of WIFT NZ I am looking forward to a range of films directed by women or led by strong female characters. There’s plenty to choose from – thanks NZIFF!!

Crossing Rachmaninoff

Rebecca Tansley

A winning portrait of Italian-born Auckland concert pianist Flavio Villani as he returns like the prodigal son to Italy for his concert debut, scaling one of the summits of the Romantic repertoire.

From Scotland with Love

Virginia Heath

Archival film of Scottish life is shaped into a kaleidoscopic evocation of work and recreation in the 20th century, stirringly scored with original songs by Fife musician/singer/songwriter King Creosote.


Paul Weitz

Lily Tomlin is perfectly cast as a sharp-tongued, taboo-breaking granny who comes out fighting for her pregnant teenage granddaughter in this constantly surprising comedy-drama from About a Boy director Paul Weitz.


Jennifer Peedom

Australian filmmaker Jennifer Peedom’s superb doco captures the 2014 climbing season on Everest from the point of view of Sherpa Phurba Tashi, including the tragic avalanche and its aftermath.